JESUS CHRIST IS THE ANSWER TO LIFE INTERNATIONAL MINISTRIES is the off shoot branch of JESUS CHRIST IS THE ANSWER TO LIFE INTERNATIONAL CHURCH. This ministry is purposely designed to take care of the physical, social and material needs of the members of JESUS CHRIST IS THE ANSWER TO LIFE INTERNATIONAL CHURCH and the BODY OF CHRIST as well. This ministry is designed to work in collaboration with all the ministries under the leadership of Apostle Francis Dwomoh to fulfill the vision which God gave to him. This ministry was set purposely to focus on the physical needs of the members of our churches so that the churches can focus on the spiritual needs of its members.
This Vision of JESUS CHRIST IS THE ANSWER TO LIFE INTERNATIONAL MINISTRY is purposely to take care of the physical, social and material needs of the members of JESUS CHRIST IS THE ANSWER TO LIFE INTERNATIONAL CHURCH and the BODY OF CHRIST as well. The basic needs of setting up academic education for our children and a Bible school for religious education of the members of our church. Setting up business infrastructures to create jobs and business opportunities for the members of our church to work and generate financial income to take care of themselves, their families and also to support the ministry financially. The basic needs of taping the natural talents of our children to develop their human potentials which will cause them to fulfill their eternal destinies on earth. The basic need of setting up social welfare system to take care of the social needs of the people.
This Mission of JESUS CHRIST IS THE ANSWER TO LIFE INTERNATIONAL MINISTRY is to work hand in hand in collaboration with all the ministries under the leadership of Apostle Francis Dwomoh and the whole Body of Christ to fulfill the Vision of this ministry. To tap the human potentials of the members of our churches to fulfill the vision of this ministry. To use the human, financial and material resources of this ministry to fulfill the vision of this ministry. That the fulfillment of the vision of this ministry is the focus of the mission of this ministry.